Blockchain, AI, Crypto, and Smart Contracts.
These are just a few of the many words you can find in pitch decks nowadays.
Many times, these words are legitimate, and a business truly implements solutions using them. Nevertheless, we recently realized that many businesses use the names of technologies merely for persuasive reasons. Certainly, the names of new technologies can be the key to the wallets of some unaware investors, but most of the time, these businesses will fail miserably.
The main reasons are directly related to the choice of technology. High costs and long implementation times are just some of them. When time is almost up, the business realizes it could have implemented a similar solution without using that new fancy technology.
This is why a business should always focus on the problem to be solved first. Then, according to the problem, we can analyze the possible solutions and the relevant technologies.
If you want to land on the Moon, you probably need an Apollo 11. If you want to reach a place 20 km away in a few minutes, you may drive a car. If you have to cover the same distance without any time constraint, you could enjoy a healthy walk.
Technology is amazing, but use it only when it is necessary (in all contexts).
Technology is a tool.